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Search results for "retrofit"

Including the closely related term retrofitting.

1 result

Wyre Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… outline how we plan to achieve them. 1. Buildings Retrofit and decarbonise buildings and heating systems. 2. Transport Support decarbonised, safe and sustainable transport. 3. Net zero council Embed climate action across council governance and financial decision-making. 4. Planning Use our planning powers to plan for a low carbon and climate resilient future. 5…

… and retention of jobs - Diversification of industry - Development and reduction in cost of low carbon technologies - Boosted local economy Retrofitting homes - by improving energy efficiency and upgrading to renewables, making them warmer and less dependent on dirty expensive energy. - Reduced energy bills - Increased energy security and independence - Warmer, healthier homes…

…: 1. Buildings Retrofit and decarbonise buildings and heating systems. 2. Transport Support decarbonised, safe and sustainable transport. 3. Net zero council Embed climate action across council governance and financial decision-making. 4. Planning Use our planning powers to plan for a low carbon and climate resilient future. 5. Biodiversity Protect and increase…

… climate mitigation and adaptation measures. Built environment - Risk of subsidence from increased rainfall and wet ground conditions. - Increase in dangerous trees and other structures from storms, flooding, weakened foundations. - Buildings will require retrofitting to adapt to temperatures extremes. - Wet weather will lead to increases in dampness, mould and poor working conditions…

…. Public buildings - Buildings will require retrofit to contend with heatwaves and increased rainfall and storm events, including shading and better water storage. Public car parks - Increased rainfall onto impermeable car park surfaces leading to surface water flooding. - Lack of shade during heatwave event increasing nearby temperatures. Grounds maintenance - Increased growing season…


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