Including the closely related terms retrofit, retrofit programme, and programme board.
…. Interdepartmental Working Groups (re Action 3) In addition to the establishment Council Land Tree Planting Programme Board (which oversees matters in relation to the planting of 543,000 trees on Council Land) 3 interdepartmental groups have been created so far to oversee and progress initiatives relevant to the Climate Change and Air Quality Strategy: • The Domestic Retrofit Programme Board…
… and Electrifying a Refuse Collection Vehicle (re Action 24) Following submission of a bid in 2021 to Defra’s Air Quality Grant, the Council was awarded £578,000 to upcycle and electrify a refuse collection vehicle (RCV). Once the retrofit work has been completed it’s anticipated that the zero tailpipe emissions RCV will travel 412 miles a week on collection routes in the north of Aylesbury, including…
… friendly actions taken and recorded on the AWorld App have resulted in 14 tonnes of CO2 being saved, 91 domestic properties have been retrofitted with energy efficiency measures with funding from the Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery scheme, and there were 6,990 registrations to the Buckinghamshire Solar Together initiative. Over the forthcoming year many initiatives will come…