Including the closely related terms retrofit, and retrofitting.
… neutrality across the borough, emissions from buildings will need to be close to zero. To achieve this, there will need to be a large-scale retrofitting programme for the existing housing stock (for example, to replace thousands of traditional gas boilers), improved energy efficiency of the structure of the building and enhanced reliance on renewable energy sources. Likewise, new buildings need…
… the 2030 target possible • Sets out actions that will be taken to: build and retrofit homes provide for clean and sustainable travel generate clean, renewable energy reduce consumption and waste support the creation of low carbon jobs • Acknowledges the local effects of climate change • Confirms our commitment to continue to work with partners and central government to enable…
… to operate as carbon neutral. To this end we have started to undertake energy audits of the estate to prioritise those using the most energy and plan for the improvements required to the estate in the coming years. For other buildings within the borough, we will be lobbying central Government to provide affordable retrofitting options for householders to allow them, at an affordable cost…
… compliance Ongoing Annual Investigate domestic retrofitting options To understand emerging technologies, and those options most efficient and effective for the borough Short term Retrofit a domestic property SRBC to organise, to use as a flagship of best practice for the borough Schools and colleges, local businesses, residents Medium term The Council will seek to lead…
… for installation of new technologies and retrofitting for existing housing stock Schools and colleges, apprenticeship providers Short term Seek funding opportunities for low carbon heating To expediate the implementation of energy and building related actions, for example via public sector decarbonisation schemes Ongoing Annual Energy Improvements Investigate potential…