Including 4 closely related terms such as retrofit programmes, retrofit programme, and retrofit.
… register and asset management plan · Feasibility studies to identify retrofit work required to increase energy efficiency e.g. all built assets to achieve at least an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of C · Reducing gas usage in Council buildings – through more efficient plant, improved controls, & increased insulation. Install heat pumps as an alternative heating source · Reducing…
… retrofit programmes, subject to government funding being available · Considering whether a proportion of social housing should be built to Passivhaus Standard or an equivalent high level of sustainability. Passivhaus homes are very energy efficient with very low bills, can remain a constant comfortable temperature through summer and winter and are already adapted to the impacts of climate change i.e…
… footprint work to date, so we don’t know the full impact of the 3000 houses we have. This could be a future strand of work given the increased availability of government funding to help retrofit existing stock and ensure new development is low carbon. Some low carbon measures have already been included in new affordable house building programmes and renewal and repair contracts such as: · Piloting air…