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Search results for "retrofit programme"

Including the closely related terms retrofit, and retrofitting.

1 result

London Borough of Brent

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… secured £4.7m for the region to retrofit homes for those on low incomes in fuel poverty, plus an additional £1m for Brent specifically in the second phase of the project. 21,000 LED street lights installed, reducing carbon emissions by 62% while continuing to keep our streets safe. Secured £3.2m of funding to improve the energy efficiency of 16 council-owned buildings across our estate in 2021-22…

…. At least, 766 solar panels installed through council-supported scheme Solar Together, saving 49 tonnes of carbon each year. So far, 68 accepted installations on properties in phase 4 of the programme in 2021. On site for our first home energy retrofit in the council’s own stock – in a void property in Harlesden to develop a zero carbon case study that both owner occupiers and landlords can utilise when…

… considering retrofitting their own properties. Nature and Green Space London-leading wildflower meadows (22 sites) planted to boost biodiversity, making up Brent’s Bee Corridor. Dog waste stations are being trialled across Brent and sponsored by eco-green communities. The stations contain biodegradable bags for those rare occasions when a sensible owner leaves their bag at home. Delivery of a new…


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