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Search results for "retrofit programme"

Including the closely related term retrofit.

1 result

Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…) 2.15 Develop further strategy for retrofit of domestic and commercial properties to reduce energy demand High TBC Q4 2021 2.16 Promote and support rollout of low carbon heating, including investigating zero carbon hydrogen possibilities. High TBC Ongoing Further actions developed in 2021 No. of RHI installations…

… in borough Uptake of other grant schemes 2.17 Work with Housing Associations to improve social housing stock Medium Medium TBC No. of HA retrofit installations. EPC ratings of social housing 2.18 Develop strategy for improving energy efficiency of buildings that council leases out Medium TBC TBC Strategy developed EPCs and DECs used to measure improvements 3. Transport…


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