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Search results for "retrofit programme"

Including 8 closely related terms such as retrofit works, retrofit, and building retrofit.

1 result

South Gloucestershire Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. IMPLEMENT Existing building retrofit - Retrofit council owned buildings which account for two thirds of the council’s total carbon emissions. Based on the outcomes of the Year 1 analysis work. Out of the 117 schools the council runs there is an existing programme of work which includes LED and energy efficiency works. Year 2 devise and implement expanded retrofit and renewables programme on council…

… owned buildings and embed action for decarbonisation, climate change adaptation and nature recovery in our property asset management plan. Purpose: To scope and implement carbon emissions reductions. Start retrofit delivery following the in-depth council building stock retrofit analysis and SCOLAS study (1970 school buildings) and solar PV programme. IMPLEMENT 4 Purpose: To implement…

retrofit works. IMPLEMENT Retrofit Demonstration (social housing) - Building on Year 1 continue next phase of development of deep retrofit demonstrator home for social rented sector/partnership with social rented sector maximising opportunities from recently announced government support. Purpose: To engage registered social landlords to retrofit social housing stock across the area…

…: To support a replicable low carbon heating trial. IMPLEMENT Energy and Renewables Advice - Continue to support additional energy advice to residents and businesses to access government grants and national schemes. Purpose: To continue to support residents to retrofit their homes with energy efficiency measures by leveraging in government grants. IMPLEMENT INSPIRE – business and residents to take…

Retrofit Demonstration (private sector) - To continue to develop retrofit demonstration homes across the area to promote retrofitting measures, this could include wildlife friendly gardening and ‘green open doors’ events. Purpose: To give residents the opportunity to see real houses that have been retrofitted and to speak to residents who have had work carried out to give them confidence to carry out…


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