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Search results for "retrofit programme"

Including 4 closely related terms such as retrofit, retrofit projects, and retrofit projects.

1 result

Reading Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… and business retrofit projects. The initial projects outlined in the strategy will not in themselves be sufficient to deliver the zero carbon aim but they will help to drive a greater uptake in these areas and enable an acceleration to achieve our end goal as we approach 2030. Total Reading energy demand +1889 GWh Total potential demand reduction (gas and electricity) -933 GWh Total potential…

… the energy mix. Key priorities in this regard have been identified as: • Housing (retrofitting and building new homes and other buildings to low/ zero carbon standards): we need to reduce energy demand in domestic and commercial properties via ‘deep retrofit’ of existing property, and ensure that new property is constructed to net zero standards • Renewable energy (generating more energy from renewable…

… conceivable action possible with existing technology, putting aside cost and other barriers for the purposes of the assessment, to calculate: • The potential to reduce energy demand with ‘deep retrofit’ of the borough’s housing stock and commercial buildings, plus deployment of LED lighting and AAA+ appliances • The potential for renewable energy generation using existing or foreseeable technologies…

… the means of any one agency in Reading – to give just one example, the estimated cost of retrofitting domestic property is approximately £30,000 per house. This is one of the areas which Reading’s climate emergency declaration therefore highlighted would require national government policy changes and resources to support the achievement of a net zero target. The key projects set out in this strategy…

… investment priorities for the economic recovery: • Low carbon retrofits and buildings that are fit for the future: the Committee highlighted new employment and reskilling opportunities if Governments support a national plan to renovate buildings and construct new housing to the highest standards of energy and water efficiency, to begin the shift to low carbon heating systems, and to protect against…


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