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Search results for "retrofit programme"

Including the closely related terms retrofit, and retrofitting.

1 result

Maidstone Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (HTML)

… time. Timescale: 2020-2023 Action 2.2 Promote access to schemes to residents, landlords and housing associations, for retrofitting insulation to existing homes including ECO3, LA Flex and the Green Homes Grant Scheme. Output: Homeowners and landlords access schemes to install insulation so reduce heating bills and reduce carbon emissions, with particular emphasis on upgrading homes with an EPC rating…

… and responsibility: Strategic Planning team. Timescale: 2020-22 Action 2.4 Promote low carbon heating including government domestic and non-domestic renewable heat incentive scheme and any other suitable schemes. Output: Low carbon heating, and any grant funding, promoted to businesses, third sector and householders. Outcome: More homes and businesses retrofitted to low carbon heating systems. Cost…

… Generating renewable energy Aim: To take every opportunity to generate renewable energy across the borough. More sustainable electricity is needed to support the move away from fossil fuel dependency. There are opportunities for retrofitting renewable energy generating technologies to existing homes and businesses and requiring renewable energy generation as part of new developments. Action 3.1 Use Local…

… efficiency measures investment for upgrades/retrofits in our infrastructure; and onsite renewable energy generation. Outputs: investigate how to fund recommendations from our carbon reduction report including Public Section Energy Efficiency Loan Scheme and options for revolving loan fund to pay for renewable energy developments that payback over time investigate offsetting through our estate…

…, partnerships, and schemes. Offset projects invested in with preference given to those in borough, followed by in county implement Carbon Trust report recommendations under spend to save and investing in measures where needed; and commission energy audits, building surveys and feasibility studies for each MBC building to find tangible, upgrade and retrofit options to decarbonise our estate and transition…


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