Including the closely related term retrofit.
… of fuel and power in new dwellings. Each TDC new build aligns to the Co2 emission rates for new buildings and the fabric energy efficient rates. Energy Draft Housing Strategy incorporates approach to improving standards in homes promoting energy and water efficiency to address fuel poverty affecting households in the district. Joint ERDF bid to SELEP for whole house retrofit…
…, such as warm homes initiatives. If bid is successful, Short term : roll-out of Retrofit model in Thanet area; barriers/trigger s identified for measures relating to testing private rented landlords market. From Draft Strategy to be presented to Cabinet in December for approval and wider consultatio n thereafter. Waiting for outcome Activity already…
… District Council – Climate Change Action Plan 1 & 2 retrofit market for landlords, particularly the development of the whole house retrofit, achieving 200 whole house retrofits, from reaching around 5,000 landlords. This will deliver outputs of more energy efficient homes and greenhouse gas reductions (1.5 tonne per house), as well as innovation in new products…
… in local skills match and local job growth; development of a coastal cluster of expertise in solutions for whole house retrofits particularly working with private landlords. Domestic Energy and Fuel Poverty Energy Officer being appointed to develop strategies to tackle fuel poverty and support residents to access grants for reducing energy use in housing. Started £40k…