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Search results for "retrofit programme"

Including the closely related terms retrofit, and retrofitting.

1 result

Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…, plumbing etc.) Retrofit Existing Buildings. The majority of heating will take place in existing buildings. A comprehensive retrofitting programme is crucial to raise performance standards. Particularly as reduced emissions from some low carbon heat technologies are dependent on good building performance. Demand Reduction. Improved heating controls and use of data can reduce…

… is becoming a reality. The council is already using environmental schemes such as BREEAM for major construction programmes like 21st Century Schools, and our ambition should be to lead the way. Buildings must also be flexible to respond to rapidly changing service delivery requirements, while still delivering zero carbon performance. Maintenance. In addition, to the retrofitting

programme required by the heat transition, regular maintenance is important to maintaining energy efficiency standards. There is also potential to reduce the carbon impact of maintenance works. 6 A14 Electricity 5% This transition is now well underway, with the grid becoming increasingly green as a variety of forms of renewable power are installed (solar, wind, hydro…


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