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Search results for "retrofit programme"

Including the closely related terms retrofit, and retrofitting.

1 result

Greater Manchester Combined Authority

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… embedded curriculum for carbon neutrality Residential and industrial deep retrofit, with training schemes embedded in construction and utilities Carbon neutral living within the Greater Manchester economy by 2038 Carbon neutral City Region by 2038 Climate Change Construction Environment EducationManufacturing and Materials Digital and Media Health EnergyTransport Climate resilient…

… public realm Citizen-oriented Circular Economy and Sharing Economy Initiatives Walkability, cycleability and demography-led clean transit links Behaviour change for zero carbon living Carbon neutral retrofit and new-build for residents and industries 21st Century energy supply challenge mission sectors projects 10 | EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Our energy supply Summary…

… to develop a Full Business Case of proposals to reduce NO2 exceedances to submit to government by the end of 2019. Sub- ject to approval and sufficient government funding being received as a result, measures will then be implemented as set out in the Full Business Case. • Implementing a programme to retrofit existing buses to reduce emissions (subject to funding). • Assessing and developing a roadmap…

… loss through the building fabric well beyond the basic measures they might already have in place (e.g. loft insulation, draught proofing). Priority 1: Reducing the heat demand from existing homes focussing on initiating a fundamental shift in whole house retrofit by retrofitting homes by 2024. Priority 2: Reducing the heat demand from existing commercial and public…

… buildings Priority 3: Reducing the heat demand in new buildings SUMMARY OF OUR PRIORITIES Priority 1: • Retrofit measures installed at 61,000 homes per year. SUMMARY OF THE SCALE OF THE CHALLENGE Priority 2: • 22% reduction in heating and cooling demand, with a 10% reduction by 2025. per year. GREATERMANCHESTER-CA.GOV.UK | 15 Residents • Get the basics right – including LED…


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