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Search results for "renewable heat incentive"

Including the closely related terms renewable energy, renewable energy, and renewable.

1 result

Mole Valley District Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

…: Not applicable to the Council’s operations The following emission sources have been excluded from the footprint calculation: Table: Laying out the different emissions sources within scope 3, whether they were or were not included, and why. Recently, there has been a considerable amount of debate in both the public and private sector on the correct carbon accounting procedure for Renewable Energy

Guarantees of Origin (REGO)-backed green electricity tariffs. The debate revolves around whether, if sourcing energy needs from REGO-backed tariffs, Scope 2 emissions can be reported as zero. • This ultimately depends on whether the given public sector organisation are looking to meet (1) the UK Government Environmental Reporting Guidelines (GERG), or (2) the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard. 1. Under…


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