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Search results for "renewable energy"

Including 9 closely related terms such as renewable electricity, renewable energy, and renewable.

1 result

Kingston-upon-Hull City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

renewable energy installations. Some work has been undertaken on heat, but this has primarily been focused upon boiler room and heating pipe insulation. There has not been a focused approach to general thermal fabric improvements or replacing gas with electric heating either as part of major refurbishments or the gas boiler replacement programme. 6.31 While there are still significant…

… projects on energy generation and the transition to electric vehicles, as well as the significant role of major investment and strategic direction to stimulate and enable active travel in the city as the largest single source of carbon emissions. 2. Recommendations 2.1 Carbon Neutral Pathway and Delivery Plan That a pathway and delivery plan for the achievement of a science-based net…

… for a city centre district heating network has been finalised and will be presented to Cabinet in March 2022 for a decision upon investment; The three projects to facilitate energy generation through wind turbine, solar farm, and solar canopy developments have progressed to site assessment with a determination upon locations in Spring 2022; The development of a partnership…

… electricity generation (Scope 2) driven by the increase in renewable energy (Graph 2). Taking this into account the Councils emission have only dropped by 41.6% since 2005/6. 5.39 Looking at the figures in Graph 1 it can be seen that Scope 1 emissions (gas, oil and fleet vehicles) have only dropped by 30% over the period while Scope 2 (electricity) have dropped 73% and staff using their own…

… the Council to develop stronger commitments around this agenda and align with the direction Central Government’s is taking with its supply chain requirements. Fuel Purchase Decarbonisation Buildings and Transport 6.23 As has already been noted the Council currently purchases renewable electricity and therefore the Councils and HCaL activities all use renewable electricity. 6.24 However…


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