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Search results for "renewable energy"

Including 4 closely related terms such as renewable energy, renewable, and renewable scheme.

1 result

Spelthorne Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… Housing Decarbonisa- tion Fund Corporate Pri- ority Afforda- ble Housing Plan 52. Promote access to grant funding for renewable energy installations for residents including Solar Together Create opportunities for residents to install renewable energy and reduce the demand for fossil fuels On going CCT Solar Together Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (5) Continue to promote Solar…

… to reduce emissions. Spelthorne Borough Council plans to be Net Zero for Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030. This is in line with Surrey County Council’s Greener Futures Delivery Plan. It is estimated that there could be up to 283 tCO2e from hard to reduce sources that will be unavoidable by 2030 that will need to be offset, the Council will look to offset through a large renewable scheme, protection…

… and Wellbeing Strategy 29. Develop an ESG policy for Council investments Divert investment from fossil fuels and climate destructive industries towards sustainable investments Policy in place by end of 2022 ap- plied by 2027 Finance/ CCT 30. Investigate renewable energy opportunities and investments including the potential for solar and wind Have a portfolio of opportunities…

… for renewable energy development ready to go Ongoing CCT GIF for feasible studies, PSDS Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (41) 31. Sustainable procurement of goods and services - understand the Council’s supply chains, contractors and service providers/ stakeholders and specify (when tendering) sustainable practices and products within them including being responsive to climate…

… Council buildings includ- ing removing oil heating from nursery site By 2025 CCT PSLCSF, how- ever, there is the potential to mitigate or slow down the rate of increase in the Council’s ener- gy spend Corporate Priority Recovery Plan, Audits carried out by APSE - projects to be planned to carry out suggested work 4. Incorporate energy efficiency measures and renewables


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