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Search results for "renewable energy"

Including 6 closely related terms such as renewable energy, renewable, and renewable energy sources.

1 result

Rugby Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…, 1g 3f 4.9 Lobby central and regional government to create the conditions for low carbon homes in the Borough. We will advocate for appropriate funding schemes to support householders to switch to renewable energy sources and implement energy efficiency measures. Ongoing N/A Chief Officer – Homes and Communities 1a 1 c 1d 1g 2b 3f 29Climate Change Strategy | Rugby Borough Council Waste…

… and partnership working. In addition to putting our own house in order, we will lead the transition for the Borough of Rugby to become net zero, ensuring that it has a rich biodiversity where people can easily access nature, enjoy clean air, travel by using low carbon transport and heat buildings by using renewable energy. In terms of Rugby Borough as a whole, recent data suggests an approximate carbon…

… 3f 15Climate Change Strategy | Rugby Borough Council 1.3 Reduce the reliance on fossil fuel- based energy in all Council operations by switching to renewable energy such as solar panels. We will agree and resource a corporate carbon management plan. August 2022 • Carbon management plan agreed Chief Officer – Homes and Communities Draft Carbon Management Plan received 1a 3f 1.4 Embed…

… Our 2030 Goals: The Borough will benefit from energy efficient homes which utilise sustainable energy sources, leading to a reduction in residential related carbon emissions. The Borough will benefit from homes which are more resilient to climate change and in particular, extreme weather events. The Borough will benefit from new developments where homes have high levels of energy efficiency…


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