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Search results for "renewable energy"

Including 6 closely related terms such as renewable energy, renewable, and renewable technologies.

1 result

Exeter City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… in climate and environmental research. Over the past decade Exeter City Council has pioneered Passivhaus standards in the UK, deployed renewable generation across their public sites and delivered large-scale district heating networks. Exeter City Council has already committed to becoming a carbon-neutral council by 2022 as well as taking steps to consider staff travel and working patterns. Much…

… Consumption Access to Renewable Energy Affordable Healthy Homes ENERGY Collective Action An Analytical Approach Locally Controlled Finance CAPABILITY PLAN FOR A NET ZERO EXETER 13 A PLAN CO-PRODUCED WITH THE CITY In September 2019, Exeter City Council asked Exeter City Futures CIC to work with the city to curate a shared plan for Exeter to be net-zero carbon by 2030…

… was clear. This section summarises some of the common themes arising. The full report on the engagement can be downloaded from the Exeter City Futures website. PLAN FOR A NET ZERO EXETER 16 A PLAN CO-PRODUCED WITH THE CITY ENERGY • Changing attitudes to reduce consumption • Renewable energy leading to lower energy costs • Improving…

… path because cars won’t move over or pull out without checking properly Resident Voice COMMON THEMES: PLAN FOR A NET ZERO EXETER 18 A PLAN CO-PRODUCED WITH THE CITY ENERGY • Cost of insulating existing homes and retrofitting renewable technologies • Lack of support for people on low incomes • Viability / permissions of renewable technologies for existing homes • High cost…

… that future development is provided for and managed in a way that takes full account of social, economic and environmental needs. The Liveable Exeter Housing Delivery Programme This recently released document highlights where the city can attract major investment and renew its infrastructure for the 21st Century with the aim of improving people’s lives and wellbeing. It demonstrates the capacity…


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