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Search results for "renewable energy"

Including 15 closely related terms such as renewable electricity, renewable, and renewable energy.

1 result

Devon County Council

Direct link to action plan (HTML)

…. Emissions avoided by renewable energy in 2030 = -2,485 tCO2e It must be acknowledged that the avoided carbon emissions described above are reliant on local renewable energy projects finding land owners willing for development to occur, the projects gaining access to the local distribution network (which is currently constrained in certain locations) and obtaining planning permission. 6.5…

…. The offsetting of residual emissions will be implemented through independently verified projects in Devon wherever possible, most likely to be habitat restoration and creation to respond to the ecological emergency, but not exclusively; funding energy efficiency and renewable energy schemes may also be considered. Emerging technologies and the opportunity for the market to provide new services to help…

… with decarbonisation will be kept under review. Key areas for action have been identified to achieve the 70% reduction in corporate emissions – low carbon buildings, fleet and business travel, street lighting, renewable energy on assets and sourcing energy from renewable sources. Many of the opportunities in these areas require additional capital and revenue commitments but generally provide a payback on investment…

… batteries to better match the timing of renewable electricity generation with local demand. 4.5. A Note about Covid-19 This Plan began preparation in 2019 before the Covid-19 pandemic. The lock-down enforced in Devon has changed the demand for council services and shown that many of them can continue to operate with substantial levels of remote working which will have reduced the council’s…

… lighting to 2,063 tCO2e by 2030/31, a reduction of 89% from 2012/13. Projected emissions from street lighting in 2030/31 = 2,063 tCO2e 6.4. Additional Renewable Energy 6.4.1. Current Performance The council has a target to source 30% of its corporate energy requirements from renewable sources by 2030/31 to contribute to carbon emissions reduction…


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