Including the closely related terms renewable energy, and renewable.
… be negotiating Orkney’s roads in a mere 5 years from now. Like the best things in life, the EV Strategy has been compiled from the grass roots up. EV owners have come together, under OREF’s wing, to suggest a way forward for EVs in Orkney. But as the document suggests, there’s more to EVs than simply transport, and they could also play a pivotal role in expanding the potential of renewable energy…
… Cover design courtesy of Colin Keldie of K4Graphics 3 Orkney Electric Vehicle Strategy 2018 V 9.5 Orkney Electric Vehicle Strategy 2018-2023 Description This document was produced by electric vehicle (EV) drivers, coordinated by the Orkney Renewable Energy Forum (OREF). It is produced to help guide the decisions makers (Orkney Islands Council, Highlands and Islands Enterprise…
… generation through storage for the benefit of all our community. There are many other advantages, not least a huge reduction in carbon emissions, all of which are outlined in the Strategy. To succeed, this Strategy will need the support of many partners, from central and local government, to private sector businesses, and indeed many hundreds of existing and future EV owners. All I would ask…
… ....................................................................................................................... 55 13.6.2 Cryogenic Liquids .......................................................................................................... 55 13.6.3 Compressed bio-gas ...................................................................................................... 56 13.6.4 Renewable Synthetic Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels........................................................... 56 Feedback…
… that the combination of the Council becoming an early adopter and seizing a funding opportunity, along with local enthusiasm for renewables and a population with a ‘can do’ attitude, have conspired to achieve the level of penetration seen to date in Figure 2. Figure 2. EVs registered in Orkney 2011 to Quarter 3 - 2017 1 Composed from VEH0131…