Including 5 closely related terms such as renewable energy, renewable, and energy generation.
…: for example, upgrade windows from single- glazed to double-glazed and improve the insulation standard for Council properties when renewing roofs. + + Hou X energy efficiency measures implemented (tbc) 2020 16 P C L Explore the opportunity to install renewable energy technologies in Council’s social housing (e.g. solar panels) Through additional or external funding…
…. In the Royal Borough’s social housing stock: o Improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions, with a particular focus on better insulation and individually controlled heating systems where buildings can support this. o Reduce the number of social housing tenants living in fuel poverty. Strive for energy efficiency measures, renewable energy and water efficiency to developers for new builds…
… Target/ measure Deadline 28 B P C Support residents to take action in their local areas and implement community energy projects Encourage and empower residents to help tackle climate change and reduce energy consumption in their local areas and homes. Stimulate attitude and behaviour change through community energy projects and energy workshops/training. + + + CC At least…
… one community energy project supported per year Ongoing 29 B P C Support and encourage the development of community energy enterprises/co-ops Support community groups to come together and generate clean local electricity and put profits back to the community through solar installation and ethical investment. + + + CC At least 32 tonnes of CO2 displaced through…
… Ongoing 31 B C Identify and train green champions in the community Identify and sign up green champions/leaders and residents’ groups within the borough to initiate and support the delivery of energy reduction and energy generation projects or provide energy advice to their local community. + + + CC At least five green champions engaged and trained per year Ongoing 32 B C…