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Search results for "renewable energy"

Including 8 closely related terms such as renewable energy, renewable, and renewable sources.

1 result

Southend-on-Sea Borough Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… / Outcome Owner Delivery Date 2.5. Renewable Energy Generation 2.5.1. Undertake a comprehensive feasibility study to determine opportunities for the Council to generate energy from renewable sources. Feasibility study and high- level investment plan for renewable energy in the borough. Cost: £20k (est.) Approval to conduct a comprehensive costing of the renewable

energy projects to determine their economic viability / return on investment. Energy and Sustainability Team. Ongoing. 2.5.2. Create a public database of all renewable energy installations in Southend. New database that highlights where renewable energy installations have been delivered. Cost: Low Greater understanding of where renewable energy

…); deliver air quality improvements (especially with particulate matter) support new regulations around net-gain for biodiversity; work with developers to increase the uptake of renewable energy schemes; plan for green infrastructure and sustainable drainage; and identify how we can reduce transport emissions. 4. Improving energy efficiency in buildings is a priority action area: One of the most…

…. Ensure that the Council’s pension investments are directed towards clean growth and sustainable energy (divert from fossil fuels). Policy that prevents investment in fossil fuels and ensuring that we lobby the Essex Pension Fund to ensure our goals are met. Cost: Low (Staff Time) Pension funds investment that only supports clean growth and renewable energy portfolios…

… tariffs are ‘green’ tariffs across the Council’s property estate. Review of energy supplies and tariffs. Cost: Low 100% of energy used by the Council is to be from renewable sources. Energy & Sustainability Team. Q2. 2021 2.1.6. Create an energy efficiency investment programme that will detail how the Council can achieve net zero carbon targets…


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