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Search results for "renewable energy"

Including 11 closely related terms such as renewable energy, renewable, and renewable energy sources.

1 result

Rossendale Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… broader social movement that allows everyone to play their part. 3.1 EFFICIENT ENERGY CONSUMPTION We believe that a key contribution to tackling climate change is both a reduction in the overall consumption of energy and the adoption of more renewable energy sources to fulfil our local demand. We will show community leadership by reducing our own overall carbon-based energy consumption…

… and actively move to more renewable sources of energy generation. By better understanding the council’s current carbon ‘footprint’ we will be able to measure our success in reducing this. We will work with local businesses and housing providers to encourage them to adopt similar approaches, particular in higher energy consuming businesses like manufacturing. We will promote energy saving initiatives…

… St ra te g y C LI M AT E C HA N G E THIS IS A REAL EMERGENCY THAT WE ARE FACING AND WE NEED TO ACT NOW TO PREVENT DEVASTATING IMPACT ON OUR CLIMATE AND OUR LIVES. CONTENTS 0 1 05 - Foreword 02 07 - Introduction 03 09 - Our Commitments Efficient energy consumption Sustainable transport Waste and the Wider…

… Environment Working Together in Partnership 04 17 - Case Studies Efficient energy consumption Sustainable transport East Lancashire Cycleway Waste FOREWORD We are a small borough but we have our part to play – as does every individual who lives here and every business that trades here. As a council, we can take action to make sure that we reach Carbon Zero by 2030 and this strategy sets…

… bit in the fight against climate change. Cllr Julie Adshead Member Champion for Climate Change We recognise that our council has an important role to help our residents and businesses to capture the opportunities and benefits of action on climate change. These include saving money on energy bills, generating income from renewable energy, supporting new sources of energy, managing local…


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