Including 7 closely related terms such as renewable, renewable energy, and renewable energy sector.
… in society in a way which tackles inequality and promotes fair work. We aim to: • Inspire positive low carbon behaviour, raising awareness of the sustainability and climate change agenda • Maximise access to affordable renewable energy technology • Support sustainable transport • Utilise our natural and built assets sustainably • Build new assets sustainably in accordance with the Scottish…
… 8. Raise awareness of low carbon behaviours at home 9.a Ensure that affordable, energy efficiency homes built under the Council’s housing development programme are built to the Greener Standard or equivalent, maximising renewable energy and heat network capability 9.b Establish minimum standard for heating and local renewable supply where possible Environmental Sustainability…
… Growth Deal to develop centres of excellence in innovation, advanced technologies and applied research with a focus on the blue and green economies including: low carbon energy /circular economy/aquaculture/advanced manufacture and the servicing of assets for the offshore wind and renewable energy sector. There is a major opportunity to bring economic transformation to the region, by linking…
…, infrastructure investment and tackle climate change including utilising our land and property assets to help develop low carbon and renewable energy schemes and environmental activity to support our green transition. 4. Deliver the Community Wealth Building Procurement Objective of using our spend to ‘actively encourage and support a growing, diverse and resilient local business base, and to support our…
… to 1.5°C. The Council declared a Climate Emergency on 11th June 2019 and consequently committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2030. In order to accomplish this, we must make a real shift in operational culture and social behaviours, lead the way in reducing emissions from buildings, transport and waste, whilst increasing the use of renewable technology and implementing methods…