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Search results for "renewable energy"

Including the closely related terms renewable, renewable heat, and renewable heat.

1 result

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority

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… Anadon Professor Laura Diaz Anadon holds the chaired Professorship of Climate Change Policy at the University of Cambridge and is Director of the Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance (C-EENRG) and Bye-Fellow at Peterhouse. Laura is also Research Associate at the Harvard Kennedy School at Harvard University. She is a Lead Author in the 6th Assessment Report…

… Independent Commission on Climate, providing advice on what is needed to deliver change locally. In March, we provided an overview of sources and levels of emissions in the CPCA and risks from climate change. We looked in greater depth at emissions attached to transport, buildings, energy, and peat. These are all areas of particular concern locally: transport because our emissions are well above…

… heating, under the Renewable Heat Incentive scheme, amounts to only around 0.5% of the housing stock; with a projected increase in population in the region, and development on the Ox-Cam Arc, the amount of new build is also projected to be high. By 2050 new build could account for as much as 40% of the housing stock, which means that high standards for new construction will be particularly…

… voted to act on the recommendations of the CPICC March report, covering transport, buildings, energy and peat, as well as the overarching recommendations. This has included the setting up of a Climate Working Group, chaired by the Mayor (the Climate Cabinet recommended by the Commission), to take action forward and ensure an e�ective local response. Work has begun on the development of an Action…


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