Including 11 closely related terms such as renewable energy, renewable, and renewable energy sources.
… already attracted significant investment in the generation of energy from wind. Our unique urban/rural setting, together with the redevelopment activity around former coal extraction sites also provides an opportunity to develop alternative sources of energy generation and storage. To harness this potential and ensure that energy projects are developed, planned and structured in a way…
… the largest two elements of our energy consumption. Electricity is increasingly being generated from renewable energy sources and in time will provide a reliable source of green energy, however, to fully decarbonise heat, our use of fossil fuels to provide heat must be all but eliminated. Natural gas can no longer be used in offices and homes. New systems to provide virtually zero-carbon heat must…
… of accelerating the Council’s investment in NERD Demonstrator Projects within the context of the delivery of the Council’s Capital Programme or wider investment opportunities in the public or private sector. This will include a pilot project as part of the Mauchline Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme which will trial new building energy efficiency measures on listed buildings. COP26 will provide us…
… operational energy costs involved with the electrification of heat. 32. Within our property estate portfolio we already have a number of sites that have renewable technologies currently installed. These include solar PV and solar thermal PV panels, Ground Source Heat Pumps and biomass boiler plant. Working with and incorporating learning from NERD and emerging technologies, we will continue…
… to pilot renewable technologies to assist the journey to zero in our buildings, We will also consider the locality of public buildings and their surroundings to examine wider decarbonisation opportunities, including possible energy sources from waterways, waste-water, and green-spaces and the development of wider communal and district heating opportunities, utilising our public buildings as ‘anchor…