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Search results for "renewable energy"

Including 7 closely related terms such as renewable, renewable energy, and renewable generation.

1 result

Buckinghamshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… in the transportation sector, away from conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to ultra-low or zero emission equivalents. We have a role in providing electric vehicle charging infrastructure to help service this transition, with subsidies and the regulation of the manufacturing sector sitting with the national government. • Electric vehicles need powering from renewable energy sources

… have allocated £5 million to a specific Climate Change Fund which will help us to deliver further reductions in emissions, for example by improving the energy efficiency of our estate, installing more renewable generation and embarking on a programme of large scale tree planting. 6 A £5 million Climate Change Fund has been established to support continued emissions reductions, including…

… funding tree planting, energy efficiency and renewable generation projects. We also continue to identify external sources of funding and develop bids for these, for example from Defra’s Air Quality Grant to help improve air quality, support for electric vehicle charging infrastructure from OLEV, and funding from BEIS to support decarbonisation in the public sector. Developing this Strategy We…

… to managing the strategy, refining our processes, and building funds so that we can continuously improve delivery against our targets and objectives. Actions 1. Continued engagement with central government on air quality and greenhouse gas emissions issues. 2. Explore carbon offsetting fund and low carbon energy generation investment options. 3. Establish and maintain interdepartmental working…

… picture is complex however, with electricity becoming more renewable (low carbon) and improvements in energy efficiency the trend nationally has been for emissions to decline whilst population has grown. We have not attempted to model the impact of a growing population or economy on emissions in Buckinghamshire, but we recognise that these are relevant factors which will impact overall emissions…


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