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Search results for "renewable energy"

Including 5 closely related terms such as renewable, renewable sources, and renewable sources.

1 result

Gedling Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Priority 3: Energy Generation Energy is central to everything we do, it is fundamental to our quality of life, our environment and our economy. Despite identifying the need to achieve energy efficiency within the borough’s building stock, it is imperative that we also ensure that as much of the borough’s energy requirements are provided by renewable

… ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 29 2 4.2 Transport ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33 4.3 Energy Generation

… e.g., transportation, privately owned buildings, stationary energy (generation of electricity and fuels consumed in the manufacturing, construction and commercial sectors and domestic heating); agriculture and land use; in-boundary waste etc. Scope 2 Emissions:  Greenhouse Gas emissions occurring due to the use of grid-supplied electricity, heat, and/or cooling for Council and private…

sources. As a council, we have installed solar panels at three of our council run sites, located at the Civic Centre, Richard Herrod Leisure Centre and Jubilee Depot. Any additional energy that we require beyond our generation potential, we will look to purchase from renewable sources. On buildings that are outside of the council’s ownership, we will use our influence to promote best practice…

… of the soon to be decommissioned Ratcliffe on Soar Power Station have been unveiled which will simultaneously reduce the volume of waste destined for landfill by diverting this waste for the purpose of energy generation. Simultaneously, at the same site, the UK’s first nuclear fusion reactor could be built, which will produce a source of clean energy. However, this is currently only in the bidding…


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