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Search results for "renewable energy"

Including 6 closely related terms such as renewable energy, renewable, and energy activities.

1 result

London Borough of Lewisham

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…/aether_updated_london_air_pollution_exposure_final_20-2-17.pdf 10 1.22 Low carbon and renewable energy activities in the UK generated a turnover of £44.5 billion in 2017, directly employing 209,500 people11…

…:// 5 4. Secure 100% renewable energy for London’s public sector now and in the future; 5. Reduce consumption emissions by two thirds, focusing on food, clothing, electronics and aviation; 6. Develop London’s low carbon sector and green…

Energy Generation 7.2 Radical Stretch 803 Lewisham Council 10 Lewisham homes 119 Other social housing 82 Schools 32 Other Public sector 2.6 Private housing 484 Transport 47 Commercial 13 Energy Generation 12 Systemic Change 591 Lewisham Council 50 Lewisham homes 37 Other social housing 25 Schools 117 Private housing 359 Transport /Commercial NO DATA Energy

… the use of plants with greater climate adaptation resilience and biodiversity benefits particularly for bees, moths, butterflies and other pollinators. 2020/21 ??££ SGM Green Scene 1.4 Improvements across schools 1.4.1 Support schools in accessing SALIX funding and other sources of external resources to improve the energy efficiency of buildings and generate onsite renewable energy

… the Council’s corporate energy procurement to support renewable energy, develop an energy procurement strategy that aligns our Climate Emergency ambitions with the way we procure energy contracts. 2020/21 ££ Chief Finance Officer 21 Leading By Example: our asks of others Cuts to local government funding over the last decade have been described as ‘unparalleled in modern…


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