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Search results for "renewable energy"

Including 10 closely related terms such as renewable energy, renewable, and renewal.

1 result

Harlow Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… will be undertaken when boiler replacements are required to appraise the most suitable option on a site by site basis. There is no one size fits all solution for heat emission reduction and in the short term. Options appraisals have been carried out for replacements at Mead Park (2023/24) and the Playhouse (2022/23), which have highlighted barriers to the use of renewable heat sources for these premises…

…. Further options appraisals will need to be conducted for the Civic Centre in the next one to two years with implementation by 2024/25 at the latest. 31. The barriers to the use of renewable heat sources currently include poor fabric insulation levels in roof, walls and thermal elements, sizing of properties for the power ratings of available technology and the nature of the heat distribution…

… saved per annum Installing LED lighting in the Civic Centre, Latton Bush Centre and Leah Manning Centre 2022 – work underway No. kWH avoided through use of LED fittings Low 0.5 tonnes of CO2 saved per annum Re-include 100% renewable energy as part of energy supply contracts renewal for electricity 2023 Certificate of origin for all renewable energy generation

… budget places a restriction on the total amount of greenhouse gases the UK can emit over a 5-year period. The UK is the first country to set legally binding carbon budgets. In 2011 the first ‘Carbon Plan’ was issued which sets out how the government will meet the carbon budgets set from 2008-2027. The plan includes actions to achieve low carbon buildings, transport, industry, energy generation

… since 2011, the first achieving a reduction of 25% on a 2008 baseline, the second a further 25% on a 2014 baseline. A number of significant investments have been made in buildings services, alongside behavioral changes and a move to using electricity generated from 100% renewable sources. 23. When considering carbon emissions from its own estate, the Council takes into consideration those…


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