Including 6 closely related terms such as renewable electricity, renewable energy, and renewable.
… ............................................................. 45 Priority 4 – A Circular Economy with Green Jobs ................................................. 50 Priority 5 – Renewable Energy ............................................................................. 56 Learning and Engaging ............................................................................................ 62 Diverse voices…
… will require all the energy, innovation and resources that we can muster together. Action is needed across all five areas identified in this strategy: greener buildings, active and sustainable travel, thriving natural environment, a circular economy, and renewable energy. This is a positive and exciting vision but also one that requires us all to do things differently. We want to thank all Southwark…
… in Southwark reduced by around 40% between 2005 and 2018. The council has also already met its target to half its operational council emissions by 2022 and is now going further including renewable electricity in schools and communal areas of housing estates from 2022. Now we need to end Southwark’s contribution to climate change by 2030. 6 This strategy sets out how we can do…
… of buildings, increasing use of renewable electricity and investment in more efficient boilers and insulation. We have invested in LED lighting in streetlights as well as achieving a 75% reduction in electricity consumption in our main Tooley Street offices. Analysis of Southwark Council’s operations and assets shows the council’s own carbon footprint of 432 ktCO2e. The major contributors…
… considered as follows: - Reduction in vehicle mileage - Switch to EV for all vehicles - Energy efficient lights and appliances - Retrofit of council buildings - Switching away from gas heating - Local renewables - Offsetting With targeted actions across energy supply and usage, retrofit of buildings and a shift in transport away from carbon intensive modes, the ‘ambitious’ pathway sees…