Including 6 closely related terms such as renewable electricity, renewable, and renewable energy.
… Move the Council’s electricity usage to 100% renewable sources Review current energy contracts and explore opportunity and timeline to switch to fully renewable sources as early as possible. Dec 2020 Head of Property & Regeneration To be determined A plan with timescales for moving to 100% renewable electricity Objective Outcomes Timescale Lead Officer What…
… if costs with developers A local plan that promotes the build of carbon neutral homes 6 Work with contractors to move the electrical power to renewable sources Write to the Council’s current contractors to ask them to review their current energy suppliers and explore switching their electricity to renewable sources. Arrangements with new contractors to be designed…
…/procured so that they use renewable energy. Sept 2020 Ongoing Head of Policy, Performance & Governance May be increased costs from contractors Contractors engaged with Positive outcomes in terms of practice that reduces CO2 emissions 7 Provide information on Council website to promote changes which residents and businesses can make…
… on the impact of Climate Change with the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the requirement for everyone to play their Use a range of communication channels and signposting on key topics such as: Greater recycling & reducing food waste. Utilities -switch to renewable energy, smart meters, LED bulbs, Dec 2020 Head of HR & OD New post & existing staff time Information…
… 15 Explore potential for land in the borough to be used for sustainable energy production This may include locations for solar panels or wind turbines March 2021 Head of Policy, Performance & Governance and relevant Heads of Service Tbc Report on options 16 Increase tree cover in the borough to enhance the Borough’s biodiversity and increase carbon capture…