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Search results for "renewable energy"

Including 9 closely related terms such as renewable energy, renewable, and renewable energy generation.

1 result

Chichester District Council

Direct link to action plan (DOCX)

… 23 3.7 Nature-based solutions 25 3.8 Renewable energy generation 27 Glossary 28…

… tens of thousands of trees across the District. · Schemes to decarbonise existing homes through energy efficiency and on-site renewable energy generation, including grant-funded improvements. · A new Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan. · Actions to decarbonise the council’s buildings and to transition to electric vehicles. 1. The plan in detail The plan is split into three parts: 1…

… for this year. The Tree Summit had to be cancelled due to Covid-19. It may be re-scheduled and could provide a springboard for an on-going working group for GHG reduction through land use change, subject to the agreement and collaboration with the organisers. Renewable energy generation in the District would be the theme of a new working group. To summarise the steps under this action point: · Support…

… existing partnerships/working groups with suitable GHG reduction projects through provision of information on options and funding opportunities. · Support Chichester City Council on its Tree Summit initiative. · Establish or support the establishment of a renewable energy generation working group. Whether existing groups are supported by CDC’s Climate Change Officer or a new group established…

… Officer 3.3 Homes The Council is working to reduce fuel poverty and excess cold in households in the District while ensuring greenhouse gas emissions do not rise as a result. Reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from existing homes can encompass both energy efficiency and renewable energy installations. CDC is working with energy providers to address fuel poverty and those…


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