Including 14 closely related terms such as renewable energy resource, renewable energy, and renewable.
… West Energy Hub report). Purpose: To increase renewable energy provision and encourage others to do so with their own land. IMPLEMENT Planning - To use the findings of the renewable energy resource assessment study (RERAS study due March 2021) to support policies in the new local plan and develop a renewable energy action plan for the area. Purpose: To increase renewable energy generation…
… behaviour (ClairCity) to inform communications strategy on active travel. Purpose: To increase the effectiveness of travel behaviour advice. IMPLEMENT Climate Emergency Theme: Renewable Energy PLANNED ACTIONS (2020/21) PROJECT STAGE LEAD – in our own operations Project development - To develop a council-led renewable energy projects following the research carried out in Year 1 (South…
… and resilience). Purpose: To increase funding to deliver climate emergency aims. DEVELOP 2 Carbon assessment tools - Work with WECA to deliver and apply carbon assessment tools to be used to guide WECA investment decision making and the regional spatial development strategy, the renewable energy resource assessment (RERAS), the new local plan/plan consultations and supplementary planning…
…. DEVELOP Planning -Ensure new local plan policies relate to Climate Emergency, nature recovery and biodiversity aims in response to the public consultation and new evidence emerging. This will include revised evidence for a Net Zero Carbon Policy for New Development, includes renewable energy resource assessment. Purpose: To ensure we maximise Climate Emergency outcomes of new local plan policies…
… in South Gloucestershire. DEVELOP ENABLE – a low carbon South Gloucestershire with our programmes, policies and decisions 7 Project development - To support the South Gloucestershire area wide community renewables initiative being developed by the wider community. Purpose: To empower the community to increase renewable energy generation for the benefit of the community. DEVELOP…