Including 11 closely related terms such as renewable electricity, renewable, and renewable energy.
…. • Renewable electricity generation through Photo-Voltaic installations on the roof spaces of The Sands Centre and Civic Centre. • Programmed maintenance to improve the energy efficiency of the estate. • Homelife grants tackling energy efficiency and fuel poverty. Property, estate and fleet 1 Asset Management Plan 2020-2025 7 The Council and its partners continue to develop and deliver…
… will be progressed: Objective 1: Reducing emissions from the City Council estate and operations. Objective 2: Reducing energy consumption and emissions from homes and businesses in Carlisle and tackling fuel poverty, by promoting energy efficiency measures, sustainable construction, renewable energy sources and behaviour change. Objective 3: Reducing emissions from transport by promoting sustainable…
…), using natural resources prudently, minimising waste and pollution, and mitigating and adapting to climate change including moving to a low carbon economy. Climate Change and Flood Risk Objectives • To reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, including through securing energy from renewable sources, and avoid inappropriate development in areas at risk of flooding to ensure that the District…