Including 6 closely related terms such as renewable electricity, renewable, and renewable electricity.
… ................................................................................................................................................. 5 Carbon Budget ............................................................................................................................................ 8 Methodology ............................................................................................................................................... 9 Buildings Energy Consumption…
…%20Update.pdf Back to contents 10 Buildings Energy Consumption Table 2: Scotland's Climate Change Plan update - Key commitments relevant to buildings 11 Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies 12 Liquefied Petroleum Gas 13 Securing a green recovery on a path to net zero…
…: climate change plan 2018–2032 – update, Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, Dec 2020 14 No target date specified yet Building energy consumption and efficiency is the key component of the Council’s plan to reach net zero by 2030, representing 63% of the Council’s corporate carbon footprint. Building Emissions mainly includes gas and electricity; with gas oil…
… of their own estate to connect to heat networks. Invest £95 million to decarbonise the public sector estate New Net Zero Carbon Standard for new public buildings New Build Zero Emissions from Heat Standard will be introduced from 2024 by which point all new builds will have to have zero emissions heating systems Accelerate efforts to use 100% renewable electricity on the Scottish public estate…
… energy emissions have reduced by 40% between 2014/15 and 2019/20, largely thanks to electricity grid decarbonisation. The electricity grid is expected to decarbonise further with the development of renewable energies. This could reduce electricity emissions by almost 10,000 tCO2e compared to 2019/20 based on BEIS projections.16 16 Treasury Green Book supplementary appraisal guidance…