Including the closely related terms renewable energy, renewable, and renewable energy infrastructure.
… and encourage staff engagement in climate action. d) The Council is also currently considering, at Full Council in January 2020, the potential for a further investment into Southill Solar Community Project, West Oxfordshire, which will contribute to the development and operation of strategic- level renewable energy infrastructure within the District. 2.1.10.The above are just three examples…
… for energy-demand reduction, efficient-energy supply and renewable energy across existing, Council buildings and Leisure Centres. Complete a full Energy Audit of all existing, Council-owned buildings to include costed, energy-efficiency measures. Energy-reduction and ‘fabric-first’ measures include, for example, i) minimising heat loss through the insulation of walls, floor, roof…
… objective and directly relates to the Council’s Carbon Action Plan. Assess opportunities for investment into strategic-level, renewable energy infrastructure on Council buildings, Council-owned land and in other areas of the District in order to offset remaining carbon emissions. Having implemented steps of the energy hierarchy by i) reducing energy demand, ii) supplying low…
…- and zero-carbon energy efficiently, there will be residual carbon emissions to offset before being able to announce the Council is operating as carbon neutral. It is possible to offset these residual carbon emissions by investing in and installing renewable energy infrastructure. For example, “A typical 250kWp solar PV system will offset approximately 64 tonnes of CO2” source: solarsense…
… the proportion of renewable energy then required to offset the Council’s remaining carbon emissions, whether this is done directly or indirectly via a third-party supplier. 2.6 CARBON ACTION PLAN, HIGH-LEVEL OBJECTIVES 2.6.1. By adopting principles of the energy hierarchy as a consistent theme, high-level objectives can focus the discussion of a Climate Action Network. A more granular set…