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Search results for "renewable energy"

Including 13 closely related terms such as renewable, renewable energy, and renewable energy generation.

1 result

Basildon Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… ‘Sustainable Buildings’  Policy CC7 ‘Renewable Energy Infrastructure’ September 2020 5 Local Plan Evidence Base 2.5. The evidence which was used to help inform the climate change strategy (Policy CC1) in the Local Plan include the following:  Renewable Energy Options Topic Paper March 2017  Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Constraints and Opportunities Assessment December 2015…

Renewable Energy Options Topic Paper (March 2017) 2.6. This document was prepared to help inform the submission version (Regulation 19) of the Local Plan in regards to low carbon and renewable energy generation. It reviewed recent proposals for a Combined Heat and Power Plant/District Heating system at the site of Dunton Technical Centre and the application of ‘eco-industrial park’ principles…

… and Power (CHP) 2.8. The assessment found that solar arrays, offshore wind turbines and microgeneration could provide the most electricity for the Borough via renewable sources. The assessment also suggested the inclusion of a target within the Local Plan for new development and conversions of existing buildings to incorporate a proportion of renewable and low carbon energy generation

… ................................................................... 3 Basildon Local Plan policies ........................................................................................................... 4 Local Plan Evidence Base .............................................................................................................. 5 Renewable Energy Options Topic Paper (March 2017) ......................................................... 5…

… and decentralised energy as part of development proposals in appropriate locations. The Council will require all developments, either new build or conversions, with a combined floorspace of 500m2 or more, or one or more residential units, to incorporate the fabric first approach and on-site renewable energy equipment to reduce predicted CO2 emissions by at least 20%. If the percentage target is technically…


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