Including 4 closely related terms such as renewable energy, renewable, and renewable technologies.
…. This may include demanding specific certifications, applying green weightings and other options. And, work with our suppliers to support them on this journey with us. 6. Continue to explore the option / potential to participate in an Energy Supply Company (ESCo) to facilitate delivery of our renewed energy and climate ambitions, initially through the Scottish Public Energy Company option led…
… and / or digital networks across the organisation for them to share and take forward their climate solutions. 7 5. Support to encourage others to follow our lead from every employee outwards to deliver change across the organisation and influence it across the City. 6. Explore dis/incentives, fiscal and / otherwise, to support behaviour change outcomes sought. Group 3: Buildings Energy use from…
…. Explore opportunities to build a clearer, ongoing understanding of the energy demands of our buildings. 2. Review the Council’s Building Performance Policy for Council owned buildings, including the certification standards demanded. 3. Explore and develop energy efficiency opportunities for our buildings. 4. Explore opportunities to install appropriate renewable technologies in existing…
… for consideration under this theme include: 8 1. Explore options to support our full transition to alternatively powered, zero emission fleet in line with statutory expectations and local policy imperatives. 2. Explore opportunities to expand our renewable energy charging / filling points – aligning with Citywide electric vehicle and hydrogen economy approaches. Staff travel is a necessary part…
…; helping to deliver the national adaptation programme; and reporting annually. Evidence of the growing pace and severity of climate change today has resulted in a seismic shift of public and political opinion on this issue, resulting in renewed legislation, policies, actions and funding at all levels. The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2019 has increased Scotland’s emission targets to net…