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Search results for "renewable energy"

Including 5 closely related terms such as renewable energy, renewable, and renewable heat.

1 result

London Borough of Southwark

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

…  Supporting community energy initiatives London Energy Project (LEP) and procurement  Reducing council and estate energy costs  Smart metering (AMR roll our) and reducing consumption  Moving towards 100% renewables Electric car charging points  Supporting electric vehicles in the borough  Developing a network of charging points  Converting lighting columns to chargers  Improving local air…

…  Plans in place for full divestment  Developing climate-friendly investment strategies Heat mapping and energy networks  Extensive heat mapping around regeneration areas  Identification of alternative and renewable heat sources such as ground and air source heat pumps  Planning for wider decentralised networks Sustainable fleet improvements  Moving the Council’s own fleet to more efficient…

…) which represents the majority of London Boroughs, the Metropolitan Police, LFP, NHS and TFL. Southwark is a board member and working with them to explore moving to 100% renewable energy for our own sites, as well as exploring local generation and energy storage options. 34. Our current contract covers the supply of gas and electricity to the Council’s operational estate, parks and street lighting…

… to local communities 15 Activity Benefits (SELCHP) and expansion  Heating and hot water supplied to approximately 2,600 properties of nearby Southwark housing estates  Reducing landfill and emissions Solar panel arrays (Old Kent Road IWMF, estates, local and community energy)  Low carbon renewable energy  Reducing local consumption  Exploring new sites and looking at expanding networks…


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