Including the closely related terms renewable, and sustainable energy.
… and make the devolution case to Government. 10. Pursuing energy devolution so that we can combine a shift to sustainable energy with a medium-term reduction in fuel poverty. We will work closely with Energy Capital around the need for devolution of resources and responsibilities to support this, for example securing devolution of Energy Company Obligation funding to the WMCA. These are just…
… Centre and ongoing discussions about creating the UK’s first Gigafactory in the region. 3. Transition to more eco-friendly homes, proposing the development of a West Midlands ‘new green deal’ that learns from history and leverages devolution. Our proposed actions on this focus on both the financing of retrofit, as well the introduction Councillor Ian Courts Portfolio holder for Environment…
…, Energy & HS2 2 of a zero carbon standard for new builds. 4. Creating breathable places, including big ambitions for tree planting programme with one tree for each resident, as well as building on Wildlife Ways and advancing plans to establish a West Midlands ‘national park’. 5. A number of behaviour change campaigns at- scale, including on single-use plastics, energy use, waste…
…, which is why WMCA has set a realistic timeframe for its zero carbon target, for 2041. Previous reductions have been possible because of a number of factors, which we either cannot or will not replicate. Firstly, because of EU directives2 mandating the closure of coal-fired power stations, and national scale installation of renewables. Large reductions in industrial emissions have also been…
… highlighted the need to close the gap between rhetoric and action – setting a carbon reduction target is the ‘easy part’ – identifying the actions on how to reach it is much more challenging. The areas of focus they have suggested are lagging is in mobility and the built environment. • Government target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050: so far, national level installation of renewables…