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Search results for "renewable energy"

Including 10 closely related terms such as renewable electricity, renewable energy, and renewable.

1 result

Orkney Islands Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…, and by increasing our ability to use local renewable energy sources; we reduce our reliance on energy systems over which we have little or no control. This programme builds on our past programme, several quick win projects have been identified and these projects have already been progressed. We will need to ensure that we have the appropriate solutions for reducing carbon on our estate that are island…

… proofed to our needs. Other projects include feasibility studies into renewable energy sources for public buildings and inclusion of our housing estate as well as the procurement of paper. This rolling Carbon Management Programme gives Orkney Islands Council the framework to enable all services to understand how their actions affect our energy costs and carbon emissions. In short we have three…

… to not only demonstrate leadership but to reduce consumption whilst making a positive contribution to the environment by lowering their carbon emissions. In 2006 the Council partnered with the Carbon Trust on a programme to reduce its carbon emissions. From 2006-2014 the Council achieved 18% of emissions from a 2004-2005 baseline. During this time local production of renewable electricity has…

…. It is important to note that during the same period Orkney now generates 105% of its own renewable electricity. The national programme does not recognise this distinction, yet, European cities like Copenhagen aim to generate ‘green electricity’ to meet their needs and account for these in their climate change plans.. The Carbon Management Programme gives us the opportunity to look at how we use energy…

… Energy Strategy 2016-2030 The Council is leading a strategy for the County which will identify the energy priorities. It builds on the Sustainable Energy Strategy for Orkney 2007. The strategy has been developed through workshops and informal consultation. Orkney and Shetland Area Waste Plan Approximately 14,000 tonnes of waste are produced in Orkney every year and 10,000 tonnes…


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