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Search results for "renewable energy"

Including 4 closely related terms such as renewable energy, renewable, and energy project.

1 result

Newark and Sherwood District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… assets must be continually maintained to meet wider community and environmental agendas. The plan aims to improve the energy efficiency of homes, this includes where possible the identification of opportunities to utilise renewable energy sources and associated technology to reduce carbon emissions. The Asset Management Strategy should be aligned with the emissions reductions required…

… innovation. The Council could work with the D2N2 LEP to identify local businesses that could drive clean growth and pilot local energy projects that would be well suited to the Newark and Sherwood District. The Climate Emergency links to a range of other policies, strategies and initiatives that the Council has already implemented. Some key links, and recommendations on how the strategies can…

… climate change is for our community. In the 2018 Resident Survey, 90% of respondents said it was important or very important to be able to live in a sustainable way. The Council has made significant progress in reducing its direct organisational emissions since first working with the Carbon Trust in 2011. The Council's declaration of a climate emergency in 2019 has brought renewed focus to this work…

… by 1,613 tCO2e by 2035. The pathway includes the expected decarbonisation of the national grid. (The carbon intensity of grid electricity is decreasing as the proportion of electricity generated from renewables increases and conventional fossil-fuel power generation is phased out.) From an emissions perspective this increases the attractiveness of electricity as a fuel source and is a significant…

… dwellings are already fully powered by renewables. Other measures included the installation of Solar PV, installation of Heat Pumps, roll out of LED lighting and double glazing and insulation. This indicative pathway shows how the current housing could improve its energy efficiency and heating. A full feasibility study is required to assess the financial implications. Actions to decarbonise…


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