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Search results for "renewable energy"

Including 12 closely related terms such as renewable energy, renewable, and renewable energy generation.

1 result

Leeds City Council

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… stations, with a 9.9 per cent decrease between 2017 and 2018. This decrease has resulted mainly from changes in the mix of fuels being used for electricity generation, with a shift away from coal and growth in the use of renewable energy sources. In 2018 coal made up only 7 per cent of fuel used for electricity generation, down from 65 per cent in 1990. Nuclear and renewables, which are low carbon…

… including: planting trees (53.4%), picking up online orders from a convenient location rather than choosing home delivery (33.2%), creating habitats for wildlife in their garden (33.2%), choosing energy efficient appliances (32%), considering switching to an electric or hybrid car (26.5%), eating less dairy (24.9%) and using a green/renewable energy tariff (23.9%). Respondents would like to do even…

… could be minimised should there be a fall in market energy prices. Conversely, there could be significant value in having fixed prices in the event of market price increases in what can be a volatile sector. Any agreement would also need to ensure contributions only to new renewable energy generation facilities, such that carbon savings, were genuinely additional. Council’s fleet – progress…

… such an agreement the council’s energy supply contractor could effectively purchase energy from renewable generation facilities on the council’s behalf. Initial discussions suggest that the council’s requirements could be met with renewable supply in this way, and potentially even exceeded, in which case there could be opportunities for ‘greening’ other areas of electricity consumption in the city…

…: o Commit to a rationalisation and energy efficiency programme which reduces emissions from council buildings by a further 40% by 2025; o Purchase 100% of our electricity from green sources, supporting new renewable capacity; o Purchase only low emission vehicles by 2025; o Remove payment for the use of staff petrol and diesel cars by 2025.  The predicted results of these actions are set…


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