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Search results for "renewable energy"

Including 9 closely related terms such as renewable energy, renewable, and renewable energy generation.

1 result

Essex County Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… this, from July 2021 to July 2022 (the period which this report covers), we have worked hard across the county to level up our communities and shared spaces in pursuit of a better environment for all. The recent energy crisis has underlined the need to move to local renewable energy, and as we all consider the impact of rising fuel bills, it is clear we need to tackle energy efficiency in our homes…

… in the way that our energy is produced and distributed, including much more localised energy generation, and far greater focus on energy efficiency, so we are not wasting our energy and our money. The Essex Climate Action Commission recommended a substantial increase in renewable energy generation capacity, to provide power and heat to homes, places of work and for electric vehicles. Case Study…

… agriculture, wildlife and create new public green space, as well as supplying clean electricity. Supporting the transition to low carbon energy, organisations across Essex are increasingly committing to using a renewable energy supply. For example, University of Essex and ECC both contract electricity supplies from 100 per cent renewable energy suppliers. Anglia Ruskin University is committed…

… – accelerating the uptake of solar and storage South East New Energy is an innovative partnership between Essex County Council (ECC), the University of East London, Power Circle, Community Works CIC and other partners, to support parish councils and community groups to develop community- owned renewable energy generation and storage. The aim is to set up a social enterprise – a not for profit company…

…, especially households, to generate their own renewable energy. Key Facts Since 2018, Solar Together Essex campaigns have resulted in 770 solar photovoltaic (PV) installations in Essex households and circa 3.15MW of solar energy generation capacity in our domestic rooftops. The current scheme launched in February 2022 is expected ed to result in over 610 new solar installations adding another 2.4MW…


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