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Search results for "renewable energy"

Including 10 closely related terms such as renewable, renewable energy, and renewable energy generation.

1 result

Worcestershire County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… savings a year), and the Capital Maintenance Programme; „ investment in and operation of renewable energy systems. WCC have installed: » wood fuelled biomass boilers in some properties, including County Hall and The Hive, generating approximately 1,700 MWh annually; » solar power on five corporate properties (the council has also installed solar PV on many Worcestershire schools. In total, over…

… will review the property portfolio for further opportunities to invest in energy efficiency, renewable energy generation and energy storage, and create a short to medium term investment plan. The council will aim for 3% year on year reduction in energy consumption; „ develop a 5-year Capital Maintenance Programme to align with the zero carbon objectives of this plan; „ undertake an assessment…

electricity with REGO (Renewable Energy of Guarantees of Origin) certification can be reported as zero emissions in Scope 2 (electricity generation) under the GHG Protocol. In terms of reporting the Council’s annual carbon footprint, and to ensure transparency, WCC will publish 1) absolute emissions, and 2) emissions which account for offsetting (e.g. purchasing green electricity, tree planting etc…

… CO2 a year over 100 years (0.8% of our current emissions); „ contribution to an energy efficiency fund for fuel poor households - the council is currently coordinating external funding sources to tackle fuel poverty, where available; „ investment in renewable energy generation on WCC land, elsewhere in the county or elsewhere in the UK - review of land holdings in consultation…

… funded programme offers grant funding for energy efficiency and renewable energy measures for public sector organisations across the county. „ WCC Energy Efficiency Spend to Save fund „ WCC Environmental Technology Capital fund „ WCC Capital Programme „ Salix12 loan „ Grant funding e.g. Worcestershire Public-Sector Energy Efficiency Programme (PEEP)13, Public Sector Decarbonisation Fund…


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