Including 7 closely related terms such as renewable, renewable technologies, and renewable technologies.
… buildings with low carbon and/or renewable heating and change behaviours towards energy consumption Encourage energy efficiency standards and improvements and reduce fuel poverty Implement compliance in existing core strategy policies for all new development proposals, unless it can be demonstrated that compliance with the policy is not viable or feasible Actions Provide information and materials…
…-standards and reduce domestic emissions Develop and implement a Pendle Home Energy programme via Cozy Homes in Lancashire (CHiL) Review the effectiveness of existing Policy ENV3 Renewable and Low Carbon Generation and Policy ENV20 in the Part 2 Local Plan (LP) to support the delivery of renewable technologies on new developments (Policy ENV20 in the Part 2 Local Plan (LP2) will supplement and update…
… Policy ENV3) Showcase PEARL Together Housing Scheme on Harrison Drive as good practice for future housing developments Consider the scope for using open spaces like parks for ground source heating system for local houses through the ENV20 Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Policy Review effectiveness of planning policies that support the Green Belt and Local Green Spaces Actively promote…
… messages Campaign to promote sustainable food Identify Council land for potential community growing initiatives Support and encourage community climate initiatives Promote community switch schemes to transfer energy from fossil fuel to renewable suppliers Supporting our future generations to find solutions Strategic objectives Work to ensure young people are engaged in solutions…