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Search results for "renewable energy"

Including 13 closely related terms such as renewable energy, renewable, and renewable energy production.

1 result

Isles of Scilly

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… have delivered an increase in renewable energy generation capacity by 194kw (97% of the target) across the islands and reduced carbon emissions by 221,418kg over three years. The program has contributed to change in behaviour and attitude towards renewable energy production on the islands and will continue to monitor and collate successes from local businesses and to seek further funding…

… charging points at the airport. Since the programme finished, the Council has made further progress towards decarbonisation. In April 2021, the Council switched away from an electricity supply powered by fossil fuels and moved to a clean renewable energy tariff for all Council properties. In September 2021, the Council unanimously agreed to undertake a corporate estate rationalization…

… and insulation 4. We will seek funding to upgrade the energy efficiency of our Council housing stock 5. We will encourage and support renewable energy initiatives across the islands 6. We will undertake a renewable capacity study to inform future plans for renewable energy 24 Image: Smart Islands ProgrammeImage: Smart Islands Programme 3. How we will build our new homes 25 1. We will encourage more…

… sustainable development and construction through planning conditions and low carbon sustainable design guides within the planning process 2. We will ensure new housing promotes sustainable design and construction such as rainwater and greywater harvesting, energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions where possible 3. We will ensure all planning applications are assessed for potential flood risk…

… of a climate emergency in April 2019, our commitment to be net zero carbon by 2030 in our Corporate Plan and our switch away from fossil fuel powered energy to a renewable energy supplier. Whilst all these actions should be celebrated, this is only the start, there is much more to do. This action plan sets out what the Council will be doing to combat our carbon emissions over the coming years…


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