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Search results for "renewable energy"

Including 4 closely related terms such as renewable, renewable energy, and energy project.

1 result

Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… action - following audits of operational buildings a plan for capital works will be set out for decarbonising buildings, seeking to dovetail this with existing works, and target the most cost-effective interventions 2.23 Work with partners to grow the workforce required to deliver necessary retrofitting and low-carbon heating (alongside renewable energy generation). To cover skills…

… Emissions Impact Indicative cost Timescale RAG status Responsibility KPI/ measure of progress Nov 2022 Update 4.2 Review suitability of council buildings/land for installation of renewable electricity generation Council/ Borough: Council Operations Emissions Reduction: High Cost: Low (£) Minimal cost to review – projects would need to be scoped subsequently…

… actions 2.13, 2.14 and 2.15) also support the installation of solar PV, which has been one of the more popular measures, with nearly 50 installations for low income households living in the least efficient properties. Further studies are also now being considered to further support local renewable energy and the role community energy can play in supporting this. 4.6 Enable…

renewable energy generation through policies in the Local Plan Update Council/ Borough: Borough- wide Emissions Reduction: Low (Enabler) Cost: None (Staff time) Funding Source: N/A Income Generation?: No 2020-2024 In Progress Planning Policy Team Climate Change and Sustainability Team Total installed renewable capacity % of demand met by renewables

… and community energy projects where applicable, including development of toolkit and guidance Council/ Borough: Borough- wide Emissions Reduction: Medium Cost: Low (£) Funding Source: TBC Income Generation?: TBC Toolkit developed by Q2 2021 Ongoing work Climate Change and Sustainability Team No. of community energy groups No./capacity of installations…


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