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Search results for "renewable energy"

Including 13 closely related terms such as renewable energy, renewable, and renewable technologies.

1 result

Ashfield District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…. This will be done by taking a fabric first approach initially, followed by renewable heating/energy production; ▪ Carry out a fuel poverty impact assessment for any decarbonisation projects that will increase fuel costs for the tenant or resident enabling residents adversely effected to be assisted; ▪ Continue to explore funding opportunities for improving the energy performance rating and decarbonisation…

… electricity to zero. Whilst this is a positive step, in order to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 we will have to take ambitious action and consider alternative renewable energy sources to fully replace fossil fuels as a means of providing heating. Renewable energy presents both a great solution and an exciting opportunity as technology develops rapidly. As part of the Government’s 10 Point…

… annually and/or when significant change occurs in order to take consideration of emerging renewable technologies, changes to Government targets, legislation, and funding opportunities, along with taking advantage of existing and emerging opportunities and developments in the energy market. This Strategy uses a baseline year of 2019/2020 to set reduction targets and monitor emissions going forward…

… in 2019/2020. It is the Council’s intention to reduce these emissions to net zero by 2030 (or closely to it as possible). Although the focus will be on reducing emissions from their source, where possible, it will be necessary to carry out carbon offsetting measures e.g. planting trees or Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) (carbon credits) to reach carbon neutral. 37.9% 0.3% 39.9% 0.1% 21.7% Gas…

…, however we must also consider low carbon energy options. In the UK the electricity provided by the national grid is generated from increasingly‘green’ sources such as wind, solar and hydro energy, which has contributed to the reduction in emissions over the last five years. The Council has switched to the purchase of electricity from renewable sources which will effectively reduce emissions from…


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