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Search results for "reduction pathways"

Including the closely related terms pathways, pathway, and pathways.

1 result

Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… 2025 2030 2035 0.2 0.4 0.29 Tyndall Budget: 8.22MtCO2 to 2038 BEIS Emissions: 0.50MtCO2 0.20 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Pathway to net zero Tackling Rochdale’s carbon emissions by 2038 Our carbon budget The Tyndall Centre outlines a ‘fair’ carbon budget contribution for Rochdale of 8.22 MtCO2 for 17 years as part of the pathway to net zero. The critical focus is not exceeding…

… below shows our carbon budget pathway to net zero (the blue shaded area) and the current gap based on the BEIS published emissions data estimates for the borough” as at 2019. Disclaimer - Local Authority Tyndall budgets are calculated up to 2050. The 2038 budget for Rochdale has been approximated from the overall GM 2038 carbon budget, and is not verified by the Tyndall Centre. It should…

…, and attributing to each sector a budget based on average annual contributions from that sector during the period 2015-2019. The blue shaded area on each graph is our sector carbon budget estimated from a 2019 baseline, which shows our pathway to carbon neutrality by 2038. The red graph line shows the current sector emissions taken from the BEIS emissions estimates for the borough. The gap shows how…

… Cities 2038 projection Rochdale net zero target 2025 2030 2035 2038 0 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 Pathways to carbon neutrality The SCATTER (Setting City Area Targets and Trajectories for Emissions Reductions) data tool enables us to project our path to carbon neutrality based on minimum and maximum levels of intervention. Carbon neutrality means any…

… the difficulty of achieving ambitions on Climate Change. The period up to 2025 is absolutely critical to accelerating a reduction in rates. Rochdale Borough CO2 emissions pathways 2019-2038 Source: SCATTER Cities pathways and Tyndall Centre setting climate commitments for Rochdale (July 2021) https…


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